Chatting with Sherri

Chatting With Sherri! Join Sherri as she chats with writers, actors and other artists about their work. A fun relaxing chat with all kinds of amazing exciting creative people. We also have a series shows under the umbrella of Sherri's Playhouse; where playwrights and actors get a chance to strut their stuff! The home of The Chatty Award for most live listens and downloads! Our sponsor is Writers of The Future, they have a free place to send a short story and if your finalist they send you to big gala, it is a terrific experience. Please FOLLOW, RATE, and REVIEW!

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Friday Apr 28, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes author and caregiver; Jessica L. Cannon!
"Hello, I am Jessica, Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP), Dementia Support Group Facilitator, Wife, Mother, Sister, and loyal friend. I am here to share lessons learned through my highs and lows along my caregiving journey so that you may become healthier, happier, and hopeful.
I Journaled throughout my adolescence and aspired to be a published author by the age of 25 but God had different plans for me. Stepping into a role as a part-time caregiver for my mother in 2009 and then full-time by 2016 provided a whole new perspective on selfcare, self-compassion, and self-control. Helping her transition through each stage over the years has increased awareness of habits, pitfalls, and assumptions the public struggles with. Her transition into a memory care facility expanded my knowledge and exposed me to even more areas families go through unwillingly.
Being given an opportunity to see life through the eyes and mind of a person living with Bipolar Manic-Depressive disorder then adding mixed Dementia later in life made me understand how God’s plan would unfold for me. Sharing my story with valuable lessons learned along the way has given me purpose beyond what I could ever imagined. I now aspire to create a cultural shift to slow the epidemic of increasing caregivers related to Dementia which includes cancer and diabetes patients, special needs families, and parents in general. "
All this lead to her new book;  “The Proactive Caregiver!”
“When we know better, we do better.” – Maya Angelou

Friday Apr 21, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes Booktube's Leandra the TBR zero!
Leandra is a member of a phenomenon on YouTube called Booktube, they talk about about their passion and love of books.  Leandra chats about the books she reads, gives reviews, and gives what they call bookshelf tours. Happily a lot of young people like Leandra have a passion for reading, they love to share their love through videos.  It is very popular there are literally thousands of creators on booktube, they create hours of shows on Youtube.  
We chat about her channel, her love of reading and why she became a booktuber!
"This impossible journey toward dropping my TBR shelves to *ZERO*! Here for the defeats as much as the triumphs. My name is Leandra, and I love to read and discuss books."

Friday Apr 14, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes New York Times bestseller and award winning author; S.M.” Stirling!
Steven “S.M.” Stirling is a writer by trade, born in France but Canadian by origin and American by naturalization, living in New Mexico. His hobbies are mostly related to the craft of writing. He loves history, anthropology, and archaeology, as well as interest in the sciences.  The martial arts are his main physical hobby.
Steven has published over 40 novels, at least 5 of which are New York Times bestsellers and he has won awards including the Dragon Award for his novel, Black Chamber.
Steven has been a Writers of the Future Judge since 2021.
“In a time in which entry for new creators is desperately difficult, WOTF is a path for identifying and nurturing excellence and giving it that first precious leg up. I received generous help and mentoring from established pros when I started out, and being a WOTF judge lets me ‘pay it forward’ to the rising generation in a way that truly helps new writers and the field as a whole.” —S.M. Stirling

Friday Apr 07, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back; artist and Illustrator and award winner; Anh Le!
 Mr. Anh Le who is a freelancer illustrator/concept artist creating work for the animation, game, and film industry for over 3 years. He strives to create imagery that would help people to be immersed within a fantastical universe of awe-inspiring characters, environments, and props.
His clients include: Renegade Games Studio, Atomic Mass Games, Raex Games, Ravensburger, Chaosium, Pinnacle Entertainment, Among the Others Animation Studio, National Geographic Education.
Mr. Le won the grand prize trophy, The Golden Brush award, and a cash prize of $5,000 and his winning art is published in the bestselling anthology, L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 37.  

Friday Mar 31, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes Professor, Agatha Christie expert and author; Dr Mark Aldridge!
Agatha Christie's Poirot: The Greatest Detective in the World; Hercule Poirot has had a near-permanent presence in the public eye ever since the 1920 publication of The Mysterious Affair at Styles. From Agatha Christie’s earliest conceptions and publication history, to forays on the stage and screen, the story of Poirot is as fascinating as it is enduring. Mark Aldridge tells this story decade-by-decade, exploring and analyzing Poirot’s many and often wildly different appearances, following the detective to present day when he is enjoying a worldwide renaissance. 
Agatha Christie on Screen; This book is a comprehensive exploration of 90 years of film and television adaptations of the world’s best-selling novelist’s work. Drawing on extensive archival material, it offers new information regarding both the well-known and forgotten screen adaptations of Agatha Christie’s stories, including unmade and rare adaptations, some of which have been unseen for more than half a century. This history offers intriguing insights into the discussions and debates that surrounded many of these screen projects – something that is brought to life through previously unpublished correspondence from Christie herself and a new wide-ranging interview with her grandson, Mathew Prichard. 
Dr Mark Aldridge is a senior lecturer in Film and Television at Southampton Solent University, UK, specialising in film and television history.

Friday Mar 24, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back the award winning author; Katherine Kovacic!
Ms Fisher Murder Mysteries: Just Murdered; Peregrine Fisher is unexpectedly summoned to a meeting of the Adventuresses' Club of the Antipodes, where she learns some incredible news.
When Adventuress Florence Astor is accused of murder, Peregrine jumps at the chance to help on the case. Detective James Steed, initially dismissive, quickly finds Peregrine's flair for investigating and headstrong nature leave him little choice. 
Based on the screenplay by Deb Cox. 
'A splendid read, with an authentic 60s flavour.  I recommend it unreservedly.' - Kerry Greenwood
Dark Deeds Down Under: A Crime & Thriller Anthology; a groundbreaking anthology, brings together internationally-renowned Aussie and Kiwi crime writers and their beloved characters. 
This stunning anthology includes 19 short stories from some of the brightest storytelling talents from Australia and New Zealand: including international bestsellers and award winners.
This vibrant showcase includes: Kerry Greenwood’s Corinna Chapman, Garry Disher’s ‘Hirsch’, Vanda Symon’s Sam Shephard, Sulari Gentill’s Rowly Sinclair, RWR McDonald’s ‘Nancys’, Lee Murray & Dan Rabarts’ Penny Yee & Matiu, Katherine Kovacic’s Alex Clayton, Dinuka McKenzie’s Kate Miles, and a rare appearance from Shane Maloney’s Murray Whelan.

Friday Mar 17, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back screenwriter, producer, author and actor; Steven L Sears!
Steven L Sears has been a friend of mine for a long time, he is an always funny and entertaining guest, and he is a very supportive friend. I am so excited to have him back to chat about writing and his return to acting!
Steven is an author, screenwriter and television producer whose career spans over thirty five years. His screenwriting and producing works include such classics as THE A-TEAM, STINGRAY, WALKER, TEXAS RANGER, SWAMP THING, SUPERBOY, SHEENA, XENA-WARRIOR PRINCESS, and many other TV series. He has developed series concepts with most of the major studios and networks as well as doing consulting work for established production companies. His work also includes digital media, animation, and game play. As an Author, his work includes the non-fiction book THE NON-USER FRIENDLY GUIDE FOR ASPIRING TV WRITERS as well as many short stories in anthologies such as JEFF STURGEONS LOST CITIES OF EARTH and the upcoming release ALIENS VS PREDATOR: ULTIMATE PREY.  Co-Writing with Times Bestselling Author Kevin J. Anderson, their graphic novel STALAG-X is currently in development as a major motion picture.

Friday Mar 10, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-winning writer/illustrator; Brian C Hailes!
Brian is the creator of Draw It With Me, is also the award-winning writer/illustrator of the illustrated novels, Blink, Defender of Llyans and Avila, two graphic novels, Dragon’s Gait and Devil’s Triangle, and the children's picture books Skeleton Play and Don’t Go Near the Crocodile Ponds et al. Other titles he has illustrated include Heroic: Tales of the Extraordinary, Passion & Spirit: The Dance Quote Book, Continuum (Arcana Studios), as well as McKenna, McKenna, Ready to Fly, and Grace & Sylvie: A Recipe for Family (American Girl). In addition to his many publishing credits, Hailes has also illustrated an extensive collection of fantasy, science fiction, and children's book covers as well as interior magazine illustrations. Hailes has received numerous awards for his art from across the country, including Winner of the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future contest out of Hollywood. His artwork has also been featured in the 2017-2021 editions of Infected By Art. “The Idealist” by L. Ron Hubbard (in Volume 35) Illustrated by Brian C. Hailes.
Hailes studied illustration and graphic design at Utah State University where he received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, as well as the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.
He has been a regular panelist and presenter at Salt lake Comic Con, FanX, LTUE, and was the Artist Guest of Honor at Conduit 2013. He has also appeared as a special guest at San Diego Comic Con.
Hailes currently lives in Salt Lake City with his wife and four boys, where he continues to write, paint and draw regularly.
Brian C. Hailes illustrated the story, “Windseekers” by Nnedi Okorafor in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 18.

Friday Mar 03, 2023

Chatting With Sherri welcomes WOTF Published Finalist writer; Rebecca Treasure!
Rebecca grew up reading science fiction and fantasy in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. After grad school and two children, she began writing fiction. Rebecca has lived many places, including the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and Tokyo, Japan. She currently resides in Texas Hill Country with her husband, where she juggles two children, two corgis, a violin studio, and writing. She only drops the children occasionally.
Rebecca discovered Writers of the Future shortly after she began writing fiction. She has entered every quarter since, making lifelong friends as a result. Rebecca’s short fiction has been published by or is forthcoming from WordFire Press, Air and Nothingness Press, Flame Tree Publishing, The Dread Machine, and others. She is an associate editor at Apex Book Company and Magazine.
“Tsuu, Tsuu, Kasva Suuremasse” came about, as many of Rebecca’s stories have, from a synthesis of ideas. Research for her sixth novel, a historical fantasy about Napoleonic magic users, combined with a fascination with the idea of animal magic and beloved memories of an “adopted” grandmother from her childhood. The real Emily lived in a cozy apartment across from Rebecca’s family and collected dolls.
Rebecca was a Published Finalist in the Writers of the Future contest with her story, "Tsuu, Tsuu, Kasva Suuremasse," and her story is published in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 38. 

Monday Feb 27, 2023

Sherri's Playhouse presents The Man Within The Clouds!
 The Man Within The Clouds, Is a fantasy drama that takes place on a classic Wagon Lit train, four couples and a man of mystery enters a carrige and the world will  never be the same.
Today is the last date to join my Patreon and have a chance to join our cast party.  Plus I have a very special surprise that will be annouced at the end of the radio play!
Written and Directed by Sherri Rabinowitz
Edited by Jay Wall
Support the radio playhouse;

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