Chatting with Sherri

Chatting With Sherri! Join Sherri as she chats with writers, actors and other artists about their work. A fun relaxing chat with all kinds of amazing exciting creative people. We also have a series shows under the umbrella of Sherri's Playhouse; where playwrights and actors get a chance to strut their stuff! The home of The Chatty Award for most live listens and downloads! Our sponsor is Writers of The Future, they have a free place to send a short story and if your finalist they send you to big gala, it is a terrific experience. Please FOLLOW, RATE, and REVIEW!

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Friday May 07, 2021

Chatting With Sherri welcomes our Miss Fisher Fan Panel!
This is a fun chat about all things Phryne we talk about the characters, the clothes, the actors and a the great job of casting that they did on series. We also chat about the scripts and how the fans really miss Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries,
We also chat about the movie; Miss Fisher and The Crypt of Tears, how much fun it was and how we love the development of the characters our hopes for a new movie.
We also chat about the new spin off Ms. Fisher Moderny Mysteries which is coming back this year!
I also have a few surprises that I will let you know about as we get closer to the show! Even the panelists don't know about them!  Also one of the panelists couldn't make so she leaves a message for us and the other fans.
I think it will be great fun!

Wednesday May 05, 2021

Sherri's Playhouse proudly reprises Ams Libe!
Ams Libe in Yiddish means True Love, sometimes love takes a strange course… two young people separated by an ocean during the first war.  Reaching out to each other the only way they can, through letters.

Friday Apr 30, 2021

Sherri Chats About Agatha Christie tonight!
(I would like to say that I am very sorry about the sound quality and how disjointed I sound in this episode. As I said it was late at night so my voice was sore but, I didn't let anyone know at the time that I was very sick.  I didn't have Covid, but I was very ill, there were days I couldn't talk at all, the reason I did this late at night is because I had not been able to speak for days, and I needed to get an episode up, (I was reprising my radio plays but I just didn't want the same thing over and over and I wanted new shows, even though I was sick. So the sound isn't going up and down, my voice is going in and out.  Again, please forgive this, but I thnk this is a super one-off episode, that shows my love for Dame Agatha, I hope you enjoy it.)
This show is a bit different, no guest, just me fan gushing about my favorite mystery writer; Agatha Christie.  I will be talking about my favorite books, about all I have read about the great lady and how I feel about her.  I will also discuss my ideas about my favorite stories and her autobiography.
It is just a fun little show about all the books I have read and my great admiration for her and her talent.

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021

Sherri's playhouse reprises The  Dowry!
It was originally for an under 10 minute play writing contest. But it was so personal and special I decided to do it on Sherri’s Playhouse. It is a very short re-imagining of the founding of my family in the US. It came from chats with my Grandparents, notes my Mom had in her journals about stories she heard from her parents and grandparents. Also stories directly from my Mom and my Grandparents on quiet Sunday afternoons at their place as we ate lunch or dinner.
It was a very personal project and so I am very interested in chatting with my cast about bringing it to life. We chat both plays and their parts in it. But it was so personal and special I decided to do it on Sherri’s Playhouse. This next part takes place after the family has moved to NYC after they started to assimulate.  And how my Grandma started working for some biggest stars in the theater!

Thursday Apr 22, 2021

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back author Jessica Brawner!
Jessica Brawner sprouted in the wilds of South Texas and plotted ways to spend her life traveling the world. She has been remarkably successful at that endeavor, and is currently based in the Los Angeles area. In addition to her writing career, Ms. Brawner is currently the Director of Business operations for the US division of a German based Residential Energy Storage company. In her highly varied career she has done everything from developing and teaching self-defense classes, to working as an event planner, an entertainment agent, a computer teacher, a personal assistant, and a booth babe at science fiction and fantasy conventions. She has a variety of fiction and non-fiction titles to her credit, including most recently The First Sin (Published 2020), the first novel in The Adventures of Captain Jac. Ms. Brawner’s fiction has appeared in Steampunk Trails II (2014),  Steampunk The Otherworlds released by Villainous Press in 2015, the 2014, 2015 & 2016 Story of the Month Club anthologies, & Ghost Hunting Critters released by Inkwolf Press in 2017. When recently asked “When do you sleep?” her response was, “I get a full 8 hours, on days that don’t end in ‘y’.” You can find her online on Twitter (@JABrawner) on Facebook or on the web at

Wednesday Apr 21, 2021

Sherri's Playhouse reprises  Mishpucha!
Sherri’s Playhouse presents a very short tiny play called Mishpucha! It was originally for an under 10 minute play writing contest. But it was so personal and special I decided to do it on Sherri’s Playhouse. It is a very short re-imagining of the founding of my family in the US. 
We also have  an interview with the cast to chat about the characters and the time period.

Friday Apr 16, 2021

Chatting With Sherri welcomes Producer and Screenwriter; Babs Greyhosky! 
Babs Greyhosky is a Producer and Screenwriter for many faboulsous shows! She is one of the first women to  break through the glass ceiling  in both the writing room and as a producer. She has written Teleplays for shows such as "Magnum, P.I.", "Riptide", "The A-Team", and "The Greatest American Hero." and "Farscape."

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021

Sherri's Playhouse reprises the radio play; Dimness!
All alone. In a small room.  All you can remember about yourself is your name.
Three lonely people reach out to each other in the dimness, al they know are their names and how they are dressed.
Radio play by Sherri Rabinowitz (I directed it too.) Original music by Ray Dafrico.
play is followed by a rebroadcast of the cast interview from earlier this year, please stay tuned to listen to our chat
This a repeat of a performance from last year.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back author Wulf Moon!
Wulf Moon wrote his first science fiction story at fifteen. It won the national Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the same contest that first discovered Stephen King, Joyce Carol Oates, Truman Capote, Peter S. Beagle, and a host of iconic names in the arts. It became his first professional sale in Science World.
Since then Moon has won over forty writing awards, and thirty in public speaking. These include: Star Trek Strange New Worlds Contest; Critters Readers' Choice Awards for Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Short Story of 2018, 2019, 2020; Best Nonfiction Article of 2019, Best Author of 2019, 2020; Best Writers' Workshop of 2019, 2020; and the Writers of the Future Contest, Vol. 35.
His stories have appeared in numerous publications including Writers of the Future, Deep Magic, Future Science Fiction Digest, Best of Third Flatiron, and Star Trek: Strange New Worlds 2. Moon is also a professional voice-over actor and has produced works for Hugo Award winners and bestselling authors like Mike Resnick, Jeff Wheeler, and Will McInstosh. Moon is podcast director at Future Science Fiction Digest.
Wulf Moon's award-winning SUPER SECRETS Writing Resource and Workshops have been attributed by many aspiring writers as the secret to their success in obtaining their first professional sales. Two of his books on writing will be published by Mark Leslie of Stark Publishing Solutions in the fall of 2021. Want in on the Secrets? He invites you to join the Wulf Pack at

Thursday Apr 01, 2021

Chatting With Sherri welcomes back USA Today bestselling and award winning author Eileen Mueller!
Eileen is chatting about Anakisha’s Dragon, book 1 in her new Riders of Fire Dragon Masters series. Great for fans of dragons, pirates and adrenaline-fueled fantasy adventures.
Available now on Amazon:

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