Chatting with Sherri
Chatting With Sherri! Join Sherri as she chats with writers, actors and other artists about their work. A fun relaxing chat with all kinds of amazing exciting creative people. We also have a series shows under the umbrella of Sherri's Playhouse; where playwrights and actors get a chance to strut their stuff! The home of The Chatty Award for most live listens and downloads! Our sponsor is Writers of The Future, they have a free place to send a short story and if your finalist they send you to big gala, it is a terrific experience. Please FOLLOW, RATE, and REVIEW!
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes back award-winning Cinematographer Roger Lanser!
Roger Lanser After many years as a Loader and Focus Puller he became camera operator to DP Peter Hendry on many ABC dramas such as Patrol Boat, Captain Cook, and Boy in the Bush where he met acclaimed British actor Kenneth Branagh. Kenneth asked him to come to England and film the British comedy Peter’s Friends. Over the years he went on to do eight feature films for Branagh including three Shakespeare’s, and the big screen opera Mozart’s The Magic Flute in 2006 for which he won the Australian Cinematographer's Society; Cinematographer of the Year!
In Australia he did Australian films such as The Cliff Young Story, Till Human Voices Wake Us, Charlie and Boots, and Strange Bedfellows, these last two with Paul Hogan. Roger has had the opportunity to work in the USA where he shot a comedy feature called A Weekend in the Country with Jack Lemon and Betty White and has photographed many USA co-pro tele movies here in Australia. He has been the cinematographer on three series of the very successful Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries based in Melbourne as well as, Miss Fisher and The Crypt of Tears, which Roger shot in Morocco and Melbourne, premiered at the Palm Springs International Film Festival and opened in Sydney and Melbourne to booked out screenings.
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-winning artist & illustrator; Helen Yi!
Helen's passion towards art started out as simply copying characters from comic books, but as she slowly got to know more about movies, digital platforms, games, and many other new and professional ways art can be shown to the world, she has been dreaming of working as a visual development artist one day and create art that can entertain others and let the audience dream like she did when she was little.
Currently Helen is a sophomore studying Illustration in Ringling College of Art and Design where she can improve her skills and work towards her dream step by step. She is always thankful for the facilities and curriculum in RCAD that allow her to pursue working digitally at school as well which also helped her work on this entry for Writers and Illustrators of the Future.
Helen's winning art will be published in the international bestselling anthology, L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39.
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-winning author; David Hankins!
David Hankins writes from the thriving cornfields of Iowa where he lives with his wife, daughter, and two dragons disguised as cats. His writing journey began in the oral tradition of convincing his daughter to Go To Sleep with inventive stories. That usually backfired. After years of Just One More Story, David began transcribing his midnight ramblings in an attempt to keep his storylines straight. David writes lighthearted speculative fiction because that's what he loves to read and—this is the important bit—there's not nearly enough humor in the world. David aims to change that, one story at a time.
David joined the US Army, he has lived in and traveled through much of Europe, central Asia, and the United States. Now that he’s retired from the Army, David devotes his time to his passions of writing, traveling with his family, and finding new ways to pay his mortgage
“Death and the Taxman” was born as the writing community mourned the passing of Writers of the Future coordinating judge Dave Farland. David wrote this story hoping to bring laughter in a time of grief. To any tax auditors reading this: you are lovely people. Please don’t audit David again.
David Hankins. He is a winner in our international contest, The Writers of the Future published in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39.
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes back producer, director, screenwriter & actor; Jamal McWhorter!
Jamal McWhorter is an actor turned film producer/director born and raised in Atlanta, GA. With a strong passion for making quality films, Jamal starts with a great story and bring it alive with eye-catching visuals. Dramas, horrors, and comedies are the genres he loved growing up, and he likes to have fun with those elements of his films today. In 2013 he wrote, produced, and starred in his first production LOUD, a semi-autobiographical tale about a young musician trying to make it. Shortly after completing the movie, Jamal and his business partners started L.O.U.D. Films, an indie film company committed to excellent storytelling. His upcoming feature-length directorial debut Switched at Love, a romantic comedy set in Atlanta, is set for release in Winter 2022. His latest film is Blood Money!
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes country singer and songwriter; Rob Wolf!
Rob is relatively new to the Nashville Country music scene, formerly a part of a brother and sister duo based in Nashville, TN. He hails from Southern Montana. Rob Wolf writes his songs from personal experiences, books and stories heard from friends and strangers. On August 19, 2022, Rob released his debut single, “Home.” His sophomore single, “Everything to Me” dropped October 14, 2022 and his final single for 2022, “For the Best” released December 16th of that year. “What’s Yours,” a self-penned single about cheating, with a “spaghetti western” type melody, dropped February 24, 2023. Rob released his autobiographical single, “How I Live My Life” April 21, 2023. Coming in early summer 2023 is “Banks of the Yellowstone,” another Montana-inspired single.
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes actor, stunt performer, producer and director; Douglas Vermeeren!
Douglas Vermeeren interest in the film business began at young age being inspired by blockbuster films like Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Back to the Future. He first got on the set at a young age in Canada participating in a CBC show playing a newspaper boy.
He began his efforts in stunts at 13 years old with his first stunt riding on the roof of a speeding car. Since that time he has done an extensive training in martial arts, motorcycles and race cars, horse back riding and stunt falls, fire and gun play.
Vermeeren is also the producer and director of 4 of the top personal development documentaries.
Doug's new movies this year are;
Monster Hunters Inc-Based on a Steampunk comic (2007) this film follows the origins of Monster Hunters Inc. hunting werewolves, vampires, zombies and other dark creatures in London during the late 1800's. Stars Douglas Vermeeren plays Rufus Gideon Bennett.
And; How to be a Hitman; Douglas Vermeeren plays Samuel Finch.
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes a great screenwriter who wrote scripts for the reboot of The Twilight Zone; Lynn Barker!
"Lynn's latest work is "Futurus Rex" a fun, short Sci-Fi/Fantasy action adventure novel co-written with the late "Star Trek" icon Dorothy (D.C.) Fontana. She is now writing a sequel.
Lynn was born in New Mexico, was a college journalism student of famous writer of Navajo mysteries Tony Hillerman and was an associate producer of KRON t.v. news in San Francisco until moving to L.A. where she was Manager for the CBS Network Story Department before writing scripts for the 1980's reboot of "The Twilight Zone". Other Writers Guild of America credits include "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine". Her articles have appeared in "American Cinematographer" and the WGA magazine "Written By:" and she has a story in the "Chicken Soup for the Soul of America" book. Lynn was an MPAA-accredited Hollywood entertainment journalist for several websites. Writing experience also includes show scripts for Disney Imagineering and Universal theme park attractions. She is a script doctor and screenplay consultant
Futurus Rex by Lynn Barker and DC Fontana- "Futurus Rex" follows a legend that King Arthur is not dead but only sleeping. He will awaken when Britain most needs him to lead a rebellion. Arthur wakes in a far future post-holocaust time, and the only one of his beloved knights to survive the long sleep with him is his nephew the traitorous Modred.
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-winning writer; Brian Trent!
Brian was born in a post-industrial factory town in Connecticut. He was rapidly introduced to speculative fiction through a lavishly illustrated edition of One Thousand and One Nights. As a child, he became a haunter of libraries and old ruins and developed a keen interest in both ends of history: the ancient past and far-distant future. Reading everything from Asimov to Xenophon, he began crafting his very first stories on a metallic-blue Brother 11 typewriter. After earning college degrees in English and philosophy, Trent worked as a professional journalist when not piloting expeditionary shuttles through the soupy atmospheres of alien worlds (otherwise known as going for long drives in the rain). His nonfiction writings have graced the cover of The Humanist magazine. His Writers of the Future win is his second professional sale, the first being to COSMOS, and he has since sold fiction to Apex Magazine. He recently completed the second novel in a “future history” series and, when not writing, Trent works in film.
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes award-winning artist and illustrator; April Solomon!
April Solomon grew up around art. Her father’s art studio was filled with all the delights a child could indulge. His bookshelves held stacks of art books containing illustrations from the old masters, the golden age illustrators, and even some fantasy art from the TSRs Dungeons and Dragons. Inspiration came in many forms. Fortunately it was everywhere! and so her career as a young artist began. Today April is an illustrator and fine artist who has earned her bachelor’s degree in illustration at the Laguna College of Art and Design. April’s passion for learning the old masterful techniques of traditional drawing and painting are precisely what inspires her work.
Among her love for the fine arts is her unique appreciation for whimsical fantasy, which adorns every image of her portfolio. April’s meticulous creature designs aim for what is known as “fantastic realism.” A clever, concise understanding of anatomy, plants, and mysterious textures weave their way into her illustrations, leaving the viewer guessing at origins, influences, and ancestry.
When not illustrating, April attends garage sales to unearth buried treasures, runs and lifts weights, or braves as many haunted attractions as possible during the month of October.
Artist April Solomon is a winner in the L. Ron Hubbard Illustrators of the Future Contest where she'll be traveling to Hollywood for a week-long master-class workshop and her winning art will be published in the international bestselling anthology, L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39.
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Chatting With Sherri welcomes back award-winning screenwriter/producer/director/author; Tom Blomquist!
Tom Blomquist is an award-winning screenwriter, producer, director and author who has been associated with some of the nation’s most popular television dramas, including Catherine Marshall’s Christy, Walker Texas Ranger, The A-Team, Hunter, Riptide, Swamp Thing, Farscape, Werewolf, In A Heartbeat, FAME LA and Hardcastle & McCormick, among others. He was also Staff Producer on NBC’s classic late-night talk show Tomorrow With Tom Snyder and served as Creative Executive on the Emmy- And the winning Hallmark Hall of Fame specials.
In addition to his work in television Blomquist has published two books; the forensic mystery novel Silent Partners and a textbook Eye Of The Storm: Directing For Film, Television & Emerging Media, which is recommended reading in the Disney/ABC Directing Program. His latest novel; Devious Thinking, released by Lindstrom Legacy Publishing.